
Monday, May 4, 2020

What if somebody creates anger in you

The human being is always so hurried in reacting rather than responding. In fact, it is the most difficult task to bring awareness while we are angry. If one could able to bring awareness when he is angry, and angriness sublimate. Here, an awareness means witnessing a wave of anger. Just a spark of awareness and the angriness is no longer there. Just try to understand this process with an example. Suppose you are sitting at one side of the room. To the other side, few people are sitting. What if you look to them constantly in a silent manner? It is obvious that they would feel odd. For a while, they may ignore you but if you do not stop looking at them for a little longer time. Indeed they will leave the place and transfer to the other place. In the given example, a group of people is considered as anger and your constant look is an awareness.

You should understand that witnessing anger is not about controlling and repressing it. Many people tried to control their anger which is actually repressed deep inside the heart. Psychologist the great, Sigmund Freud says, ‘If you repress anger, then the same anger might come in an uglier way in our actions later in the future.’ However, witnessing doesn’t repress the anger, it releases or transforms anger into happiness. Repressing anger is about more and more tightening your fist but witnessing is about gradually releasing your tightened fist.

The following video is taken from Osho talk where he is delivering a real story that includes the message of great significance. How to deal with someone who creates anger in you.

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