
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Buddha, a fire of awareness

One morning, Buddha was sitting underneath a tree. It has just rained and everything around looked wet. At the same time, an Astrologer was passing by. He has seen the footprints of Buddha on the sand. A great astrologer got riddled to see the footprints; those footprints were of Chakravartin. Chakravartin means a man who rules all over the world. The emperor of six continents. With a shocking tone, he asked himself, ‘What is Chakravartin doing here, walking barefooted on the sand? The astrologer approached Buddha. He got even more shocked when saw Buddha wearing clothes that of a beggar and a begging bowl by the side. The astrologer astrology was at risk. He thought, "Either my knowledge on astrology has an error or this man must be God who is in the disguised face for some special purposes." When the astrologer looked at Buddha's face, he found Buddha so calm and graceful. 

He asked Buddha, “My lord! are you, god?”

Buddha replied, “No, I am not god.’

The astrology asked, “Are you an angel?”

Buddha with a serene expression on his face replied, “No, I am not an angel”

The astrologer kept on asking questions over questions to Buddha. However, the Buddha kept on replying, No, no, no………….

The astrologer said, ‘Now, don’t tell me you are not human.”

Buddha replied, “No, I am not human either.”

The astrology finally asked, ‘Then, who are you?”

Buddha replied, ‘I am just awareness, nothing more”

Monday, May 4, 2020

What if somebody creates anger in you

The human being is always so hurried in reacting rather than responding. In fact, it is the most difficult task to bring awareness while we are angry. If one could able to bring awareness when he is angry, and angriness sublimate. Here, an awareness means witnessing a wave of anger. Just a spark of awareness and the angriness is no longer there. Just try to understand this process with an example. Suppose you are sitting at one side of the room. To the other side, few people are sitting. What if you look to them constantly in a silent manner? It is obvious that they would feel odd. For a while, they may ignore you but if you do not stop looking at them for a little longer time. Indeed they will leave the place and transfer to the other place. In the given example, a group of people is considered as anger and your constant look is an awareness.

You should understand that witnessing anger is not about controlling and repressing it. Many people tried to control their anger which is actually repressed deep inside the heart. Psychologist the great, Sigmund Freud says, ‘If you repress anger, then the same anger might come in an uglier way in our actions later in the future.’ However, witnessing doesn’t repress the anger, it releases or transforms anger into happiness. Repressing anger is about more and more tightening your fist but witnessing is about gradually releasing your tightened fist.

The following video is taken from Osho talk where he is delivering a real story that includes the message of great significance. How to deal with someone who creates anger in you.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

An efforts to be aware

I remember an incident that took place nearly 8 years back. One day, when I was writing something on my copy from my textbook, then I realized one thing; I was not focused on what I was writing. In other words, I was physically there however, I was thinking of the past events at the same time. In a nutshell, my mind was not in the present moment. I became really worried about my concentration. I tried to bring my concentration to the present but in few minutes again I used to lose my concentration. This used to happen in other day but that day, I became really aware about this and asked a question to myself, ‘Why am I losing my concentration?’ Couldn’t I remain aware all the time on the activity that I am doing? I didn’t find any person whom I could ask these questions and also there was not internet facilities like today where I could goggle my questions. The questions remained unanswered inside me.

Time went on. Several months later, I watched a video (which talks on meditation) on an Indian TV channel. In the video a very famous person, Osho, was giving a discourse on a meditation technique and it’s importance to his disciple. Listening to the video, I knew that meditation helps to develop consciousness in a man and is a tool to make person to be in the present. I really became curious since I was getting my unanswered questions. I got interested in the talks of Osho then onwards. Every day I used to watch the program called ‘Oshodhara’ on an Aastha channel that runs from 7PM to 7:30PM where Osho old video talks is played (Osho died 25 years back and 1000 of his discourses videos are available). I learnt two meditation techniques through Osho talks. The one is of related with breathing technique (In the technique, one has to become aware with inhaling and exhaling breath). The other is witnessing the thought. In the witnessing technique one has to close the eyes and watch his/her thoughts with full awareness.

I practiced the witnessing technique because I have found it little comfortable and easy in doing. In the beginning, it was really hard to watch the inner thoughts without losing my concentration. Hardly for a minute could I watch my thought in total awareness and then in the next moment,
either I started thinking of past events or future. I kept on practicing this technique now and then. Whenever, I have a stress in the mind. Using the witnessing technique I have experienced the inner dialogue gradually sublimating and ultimately gives a peace in the mind.

In the course of time, Two years later, I came from my hometown (Dhangadhi) to Kathmandu to pursue my Plus2 level. In my spare time, I used to go to Zero Point (an internet facility area; my friend has recommended me since the speed of net was too high) in Baneswor and used to
download Osho talks and then watched them later on my laptop.

In one of the video, Osho was giving an example on an awareness that happened in Buddha life. During Buddha time, once Buddha was giving a discourse to his disciple and suddenly a housefly sat on the forehead of Buddha. Buddha then moved his hand towards his forehead to make a housefly go away from there. The housefly went away. Again, Buddha immediately moved his hand to the same place, there was no housefly then, though. A disciple became surprise seeing this activity of Buddha. The disciple asked a question to the Buddha, ‘God, first you moved your hand to your forehead because there was housefly. But I couldn’t understand why did you moved your hand next time although there was not housefly?” Buddha replied, “I moved the hand in beginning mechanically without being aware that I was moving. Suddenly, I remembered that I moved my hand without my awareness. Therefore, I moved my hand in the next time with my awareness.” It was a great learning for me. We do many activities in a day, but rarely became aware and conscious to the activities. I may be eating food physically but the mind is always somewhere else. I may be walking but the mind is feeding on the events of past. It is like we have everything but we don’t have ourselves.

With the passage of time, I kept on knowing different techniques on mediation to develop awareness. I knew about another technique which is called double arrowed consciousness. This technique says, ‘Remember yourself along with what you are doing in the external world.” Gurdjieff used self-remembering as a basic technique in the West. If we are aware on what we
are doing then this mediation. Closing eyes and become aware of the breathing or witnessing the thought is not only a mediation. For almost 2 and half years I have been practicing double arrowed consciousness. It was very difficult to be aware to the activity of external world initially. I started practicing this technique in my walking, in my talking and in listening the lecture of the teachers. While I was walking, I make an effort to move my steps consciously. Initially, the conscious happened to remain for nearly 10 or 12 seconds and after that mind has already started thinking of the past or the future. Again, I have to make an effort to bring it to the present. I tell you it was really difficult in the beginning.

However, I didn’t give up. I keep on continuing. Gradually and gradually, it is becoming easy as my consciousness started remain for some minutes. Nowadays, I don’t have to do more effort than the earlier. The technique is going on. This has become a miraculous for me. I have become more aware to what I am talking. My concentration has been strengthened.

Don't swim but float

A spiritual master was delivering his speech to a crowd. In his speech, he was saying, 'God has made everything perfect and therefore, no extra things need not to be added to spoil its beauty.' All of a sudden, a man (hunchback) from a crowd stood and began to ask the eloquent master, 'Look at the geography of my body. Do you think, god made me perfect?' The master with a serene expression on his face replied to the man, 'Ever before, I haven' t seen a perfect hunchback identical to you.' Whether this incident is true or not, however, it carries a significant message. Most of the people pass their valuable time in complaining over their life. For instance, why he has got such things but I haven't.The strange thing is that they blame the god not having the things of their desire and expectation.

This attitude, in fact, acts as a barrier to discover potential and beauty in oneself. Everything looks perfect when we start to see with the open eyes. Opening of physical eyes wouldn't help, on the contrary one has to open the eyes of consciousness.